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1914-18 War • The Derby Scheme Armband

from October 1915 •
Derby scheme armband

The Derby Scheme was an attempt to recruit further men into the Services.
The Earl of Derby The Minister of War introduced the scheme in October 1915, whereby men could volunteer for the forces. They completed one days service were placed on reserve. They went home and waited to be called upon when they were needed .
Army volunteers were given a khaki-drab armband with a red felt crown, seen on the left.This man also wears the 1915 On-War Service badge.
The scheme was not a complete success; two million men volunteered but half were married. The government had promised to call the single men first.
As a result in January 1916 conscription Eligible men were forced to join the army by law was introduced for single men aged 18 to 41.
This was extended to married men five months later.

• These photographs can be safely dated to late 1915

• Date 1915 Age about 20 Estimate Born about 1895± 3 years