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INDEX • Nineteen Twenties

1919 to 1929
Hair & Hats ClothingOther
Bobbed HairThe 1920s LookGlasses
Orchid bobDropped WaistPaper Parasol
The Eton CropTwenties KnitwearKnitted Striped Tie
Egyptian bobOpenwork topLong String of Beads
Coconut bobWoollen handknitsSlave Bangle
Moana bobArtist's BowWhite Neckerchief
Charleston CutBateau NecklineLadies Swimwear
The ShingleThe Muffler Pool Swimming
Windswept BobGeorgetteHorseshoe Stamp Square
Extreme WindblownShiny ShinsLaurence Photographer
Frizzy Tousled BobPixie BlouseBar Strap Shoes
Poodle Cut hairstleTie-Belt Knit Tunic 
Softwave-Bob Handkerchief DressGirl Guides
Brushed Back BobHigh Belted Tunic 
KisscurlBeach PyjamasPlusfours trousers
BandeauBeret 1920's 
Mens High Hairstyle  
Tam O'Shanter  
Cottage Loaf or Bun  
Earphones Hairstyle  
Swaithed Hairstyle  
Cloche Hat  
Turnback Hat